Tuesday, August 24, 2010


every thursday i sit by the pool
all day
i drink beers, and look up at the sky
(sometimes i count helicopters)
people in the building stop by to chat
i don't tell them that i'm constantly bored
that i'm afraid i will die alone

when the sun goes down we're drunk
and i go back into my apartment
they stay outside, drinking
all night
i listen to them talk,
and sometimes i watch through the peephole

every now and then
these three blond girls show up
i'm not sure who they know in the building
they are beautiful and dumb
and they are yapping along in baby-voices
i wanna fuck all of them at the same time,
or at least one of them

but i'm afraid
drunk, and lonely, and bored
i'm the guy looking through the peephole
the guy counting helicopters
so instead i go to bed
wide awake and ashamed