Thursday, February 5, 2009


riding from the eastside,
on the subway
heading into downtown Oslo.
the old trains have a certain beat to them.
they seem to be the only things beating
in a city of winter hearts.
on my way home from another unforgiving workday.
listening to the rhythm of the tracks,
i glance out the window,
at the wast loneliness passing by.
i share this train with pale faces,
consumed by skeletal dreams.
"someone kill me" begs the bum by the sliding doors.
we come together as a group now,
collectively ignoring him.
"no" he says, changing his mind.
"someone give me a beer"
we, the pale, hide our eyes behind newspapers,
fearing that one day,
we too will be bums
standing by sliding doors,
begging for beer or death.
all the while not knowing, that
outside the train there are plenty of both.

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